In 1990 the Voyager spacecraft – nearly 4 million miles from home, in the depths of our solar system – turned its cameras back on Earth.
Carl Sagan, one of the greatest physicists of our time, described the image it captured of our planet as nothing more then a ‘pale blue dot’, a mote of dust in the vast absolute darkness of space (the image above is that photograph – you can see the earth in the top right corner).
In his book of the same name he asks us to think about what that means. It is a poignant framing of a question we are all intuitively familiar with – being so incomprehensibly small, in a universe so unfathomably large, how should we decide the best way to live our lives, protect our planet and embrace our shared humanity? (watch Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot speech)
The Blue Dot Perspective is about seeing ourselves from that distant, fragile view.
It’s about exploring the world and expanding our mind.
It’s about discovering peak moments and new experiences.
It’s about encountering the unkown and letting it affect you.
It’s about connecting with the natural world in positive and sustainable ways
This is a call for you to soak up one experience this year, this month, this week that will change you forever.
The Blue Dot Perspective is not found in front of a TV screen, it’s not found behind an office cubicle or halfway up the career ladder. The Blue Dot Perspective is found in the mountains and rivers of the world, it’s found in the smiles of new cultures and the sparkle of new experience, it’s found in the ocean at dawn and the clouds at dusk, it’s found in the stars, in the light of the forest. It’s found inside you the minute you dare to be truly alive.